Delivered requests

Delivered requests

Delivered requests

Learn more about the 'Delivered requests' metric in your workspace KPI dashboard.

The delivered requests metric on your Workspace Dashboard records the volume of data uploads that are received month on month into your organisation's workspace.

The main KPI on the dashboard represents a count of the cumulative number of data submissions received in the past 4 weeks, as compared to the number in the previous 4 weeks.

What is a data upload?

A data upload is a file that has been uploaded to a dataset. This upload could have been created by a user or supplier in your data workspace. Each upload is counted individually, even if it is submitted to the same datastore.

An uploaded file must be mapped, processed, and submitted before it is complete. These states are recorded in the system to show how an upload is progressing and where bottlenecks in the process my be impacting your delivery times.


A file has been uploaded, but the user responsible for the upload has not completed the mapping or processing steps or has not submitted the data. This may be because errors were flagged that need resolution by the uploader.

For Review

The file has been submitted, but warnings were flagged and not resolved by the uploader. To resolve, a workspace user must review the data before submitting the upload.


The data upload and all associated activities have been completed, and the data has been committed to your data storage.

Understanding your data pipeline

The 'view details' popup of your KPI dashboard displays a breakdown of your data pipeline. This shows your total number of pending data requests and the status of uploads that have been submitted to your workspace.

Total number of requests

This is the number of requests that are pending response in your workspace. This number includes any pending, existing and overdue data requests, but not data requests that are scheduled in the future.


The number of data files that have been uploaded to your workspace.


The uploaded file is in the process of being mapped or processed and has not yet been submitted to your database.


The upload has completed processing and the upload data has been submitted to your data storage.

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